Tag: Environment

The Great Indian Tragedy

According to the backgrounder by The Economic Times: A lethal plume of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas escaped from a storage tank at the Union Carbide

World 2.0

I chance upon The Artist Farm recently, and soon find myself reading post after post on a wide range of interesting topics.  One particular post that

True Cost of Stuff

From the Master of Simplicity comes a pathbreaking post on a new blog, appropriately titled ‘mnmlist’.  Here’s just a minimal extract… But there’s more to buying less.

Saving Your PC

I was surprised to read on TechSoup about the environmental impact that PCs have : According to the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, manufacturing one desktop computer


Why is the number 350 so important? According 350.org : There are three numbers you need to really understand global warming, 275, 390, and 350. For

e-Waste : Little Known Truths

I chanced upon a Guardian story of May 2008 entitled ‘Breeding toxins from dead PCs‘ that described how children are dying to clear up the developed world’s

Know your World

Thanks to a link from one of Atanu’s posts, I discovered the amazingly powerful and insightful data graph of GapMinder on the state of the

Two Earths

I was browsing through a local financial daily – LiveMint – when an interesting headline caught my eye: “Two Planets for Greed“, it read.  And,

Better than Google?

What if I told you there was a search engine out there that was actually better than Google?!  Well, okay, I’m cheating a little.  But,

A Journey Too Far

What happens when the act of observing changes the very nature of what is being observed? What happens when Science transcends the boundaries of Politics? What happens when Man decides to play God? These questions troubled me as I flicked through some less-frequented pages in the local daily. So I decided to Google it, to find out more. Turns out, it was all true !!!

Two Square Meters

I was researching Hong Kong as a destination of work, for a friend who was thinking of taking up a job there, and came to the realization that good information on what it is like to live in a city, is hard to find. Anyway, through the course of my excavations, I chanced upon a rather interesting website – Batgung – maintained by two expats who’ve been living in Hong Kong for over a decade… And, through them, learned that Hong Kong makes an intriguing contribution to saving the Earth !

Small is Beautiful

Why are SMEs small? And why is Rural India poor? I think part of the problem lies in our not being able to use *indigenous* technologies to the extent possible. There is also no dearth of Business Management graduates in this country, with business schools mushrooming in every nook and corner. Yet, a very small percentage of them end up becoming entrepreneurs or take up employment with SMEs…