GreyMatter, Personal

First Impressions

Quality Check

  1. Wealth / Fame / Pedigree / Sartorial sense / Brand consciousness
  2. Formal education / Knowledge / Wisdom / Street smarts
  3. Humor / Good manners / Punctuality / Problem solving
  4. Talent for cooking / Being able to fix things / Taming technology
  5. Ability to live in the present / Ability to plan ahead
  6. Religiosity / Spirituality / Free thinking / Grounded values
  7. Listening skills / Analytical skills
  8. Humility / Grace / Kindness / Empathy / Admitting fault
  9. Being charitable / Generosity of spirit / Being a good human being
  10. Insatiable curiosity / Spontaneity

The qualities that we find most impressive in others, say a lot about who we are…

In or Out?

  1. Curiosity
  2. Punctuality
  3. Integrity
  4. Authenticity
  5. Open Mindedness
  6. Persistence
  7. Solution Mindset
  8. Appetite to Experiment
  9. Ability to Plan
  10. Generosity of Spirit

How I think of myself?
Qualities I admire in others?
Goals worth pursuing?
Old-school values that seem antiquated?

Or all of the above?!