
Do Entrepreneurs Need an MBA?

Samuvel Rajasingh asks a great question on the Rodinhoods forum:

I am fresh out of oven, just now completed my engineering course.  Along with my friends I have started a start-up company & running along with it to unleash my thirst.

I have planned to do MBA, is it necessary as of now.

In other words, "Do Entrepreneurs Need an MBA?"

It's a great question to ask. And not an easy one to answer because of the "opportunity costs" involved.

In my opinion, an MBA gives you two things:

  1. A language, a vocabulary that helps you speak to other MBAs, and to the corporate world in general (e.g. opportunity costs!)
  2. A network of people who will evolve in their professional pursuits over the years, that you can tap into later

Everything else it offers can be self-taught, including Accounting.

Network – you can still build over time if you do the right things. But the vocab and jargon you pick up is typical to that world and not really a disadvantage unless you need to deal with other MBAs!

For good measure, have a look at The Personal MBA.

Hope that helps…