GreyMatter, Personal

Not a Thought Leader

Breaking: I’m not a ‘Thought Leader’ any more…

Let me explain: A few months ago, LinkedIn assigned me a Top Voice gold badge for my posts on ‘Thought Leadership’, inviting me to contribute to more collaborative articles.

I did explore various topics, and even contributed to a few, wherever I could add something of value. But for the most part, I found the structure banal and reeking of AI-generated content. Only a few contributions and content segments were meaningful, in my view.

That’s why, when my son discovered the gold badge on my profile a few weeks ago, and asked me about it, I replied with a smile: “Don’t worry, this too shall pass!”

I know the LI community regards both blue and gold badges as badges of honor, but once a badge has been assigned, the machinery takes over. Most folks seem to readily jump on the treadmill, nurturing a daily need to generate content and post anything, just to feed the beast.

Last week, LinkedIn sent me an email informing me:

“Your Top Thought Leadership Voice badge expired…

You can earn it back! Keep contributing to collaborative articles.

We reassess badges every 60 days, so keep contributing to collaborative articles on Thought Leadership and you may earn it back.”

Notice how the language pressurizes badge holders to keep posting, with no guarantee of earning or retaining a badge?

Well, I didn’t leave one rat race to join another. So, I don’t intend to play this game at the cost of quality content. I’d rather say something when I have something to say.

Ergo, I am not a ‘Thought Leader’ any more.