True Cost of Stuff
From the Master of Simplicity comes a pathbreaking post on a new blog, appropriately titled ‘mnmlist’.
Here’s just a minimal extract…
But there’s more to buying less. Way more… The cost of purchasing an item just scratches the surface.
… It now occupies valuable real estate in our homes (or offices), real estate that could go to living space, or real estate that we could give up if we had less stuff and a smaller home. This is real estate that’s really expensive, btw: we pay exorbitant prices to own or rent a home, and every square foot of that home costs us more precious time that we spend working to earn the money to pay for that real estate. And that’s just for rent or mortgage. Add in the cost of power or gas to heat or cool that home, the cost of maintaining the home, and the time we spend maintaining and cleaning and decluttering and organizing that home and the stuff in it.
And yet, we’ve still only scratched the surface. The item, if it’s electronic, requires power. All the time. The item needs to be maintained. Switched on and off, cleaned, oiled, and caution taken not to break it. These are more precious seconds, precious dollars. If it’s wood or metal or glass, it might need to be polished. It might break a bit and need repairing. We have to store its warranty somewhere, and not forget about that (more mental cycles spent). We might have special tools for it, cleaning products, accessories. All of those require space and care and money.
And yet, we’re not even halfway there. I’ll spare you the rest of the narrative and just make a list…
If you’ve ever longed for a simpler life, even for a moment, read this today.
Very interesting perspective.