
Here and Now

A trail of links led me to a fresh, new blog –  In an especially well-written post entitled “Re-seeing those you love“, David reminds us how…

It doesn’t take much to get caught up in doing things and slip into auto-pilot mode forgetting to appreciate what (and who) is right in front of us…

I love pausing and just watching my son’s curiosity (he just turned a year old) as he explores our small apartment, learning new things. He’ll closely examine something in his little hands, head down in concentration. Then he’ll waddle around a bit then look up at me and smile. I love it.

From that post, I also discovered another new blog – Lives Less Ordinary – and the original post that inspired the one on re-seeing those you love.  In “The One Place You Must See Before You Die“, Amy writes…

Forget 1001 historic sites/gardens/natural wonders/architectural feats you must see before you die.  I’ll tell you the one thing that you really must see before you leave this world  for the next – the here and now.

I’m not talking here of a cursory glance around, so you can check it off that mental list of things seen and done.  To my mind, unless you give yourself completely over to experiencing the moment, this exact one happening right now, it won’t matter if you’re seated outside the Taj Mahal, touring the pyramids by camel, standing at the viewpoint overlooking the steep cliffs of the Grand Canyon or climbing the many steps ascending the Eiffel Tower.  To fully experience life, it must be lived, not measured, evaluated and checked.

And, last but not the least, an SMS from a friend who frequently shares his learnings on the subject of Spirituality, had this to say:

Zen is not a religion.  Zen means to live each moment with totality.  Zen means to do each and every thing with full awareness… Zen means to be Here and Now… 

I don’t know about you, but it certainly looked to me like the entire Universe was conspiring to tell me something!