
A Question of Answers

For the longest time imaginable, I have harboured the desire to author a book … someday.  Last weekend, chatting with a friend, I happened to mention this dream of mine, lamenting about the fact that I have never been able to take time out to find a publisher and start a book. To my surprise, she immediately offered to take it up as a project!

This was uncharted territory for me.  Her next question was : “What kind of book do you want to write?”  Well, I hadn’t thought about it, until now.  I really hadn’t.  Sure, I’d made a serious effort to keep blogging – in part, to improve my writing skills for that famous “book” I would publish some day.  But, I hadn’t really given a thought to what kind of book would I want to write, if I had the means to do so.

So, for the past week or so, I have been juggling with this question, trying to find the most appropriate answer possible.  I could write about Technology or Business or Fatherhood or Life, in general – just the sort of stuff I blog about… Or, I could write about some of my experiences from my travels – a travelogue of sorts…  Then again, I always wanted to be a photographer.  Should I attempt a coffee-table book full of photographs instead?  Not much writing in that, is there?

Nothing definitive has emerged so far.  I even went a bought myself a book – a writer’s journal – in an attempt to understand what makes a writer, a writer.  It’s an entertaining piece of work, and one that I am enjoying every bit of.  But, I’m still looking for the answer to my question…

Will let you know when I know.