GreyMatter, Personal

What’s The Point?

All around me, I see examples of “all-talk-no-action”.

On TV, I catch a segment featuring a heated debate among some citizens and some politicians, and I can’t help but wonder: What’s the point? Tomorrow it will all be forgotten, and nothing good will come of it. In a group discussion, I overhear people cribbing about the pathetic state of affairs and blaming the government for all their ills: What’s the point? No one will take the time out to do any thing about it. All they want to do is let out some steam, find someone to blame, and go right back to their jobs and their parties.

And, it’s not just others. What have I done that’s so different? Is this blog really going to make a difference?

Then, I am reminded of the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. (based on which I first started this blog!):

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Maybe, some day, I will also be able to put these words and feelings to more constructive use. Until then, this will have to do…