
I Had a Dream

Like every child, I used to dream of riding a motorcycle. When I had added some years to my life, and had a chance to review what’s out there, I decided that one day I would own a Bullet. (For those of you who don’t know what that is, I am talking about a Royal Enfield 350 cc – a vehicle that has stayed pretty much unchanged in design since the mid-50’s.) Of course, economic circumstances at the time dictated that that particular dream of mine (like so many others) would need to wait a while. So I bought myself a commuter-friendly and environment-friendly bike instead…

But I didn’t give up on the dream. I used to admire the Bullets I passed by on the road, and look at them longingly at the traffic stops (for as long as the signal permitted). I envied those who owned one, and felt a little bad about those would never know what they are missing. I even joined some online clubs to take in the feel of talking, breathing and living Bullets !

But I don’t envy Bullet-owners any more. Because I just bought one myself !

Isn’t it fantastic when your childhood dreams come true?! 🙂