
Wide Wide Web

No, that’s not a typo in the title.  This one’s about how BIG the World Wide Web really is.  At least, at the hour of posting this! 

Here are some interesting stats for you to ponder over…

The World Live Web is incredibly active, and there are over 175,000 new blogs (that’s just blogs) every day.

Bloggers update their blogs regularly to the tune of over 1.6 million posts per day, or over 18 updates a second.

(Technorati is) currently tracking 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media

Source : Technorati

This is what Google had to say on it’s indexing operations, last week:

The first Google index in 1998 already had 26 million pages, and by 2000 the Google index reached the one billion mark.

Over the last eight years, we’ve seen a lot of big numbers about how much content is really out there. Recently, even our search engineers stopped in awe about just how big the web is these days — when our systems that process links on the web to find new content hit a milestone: 1 trillion (as in 1,000,000,000,000) unique URLs on the web at once!

Source : GoogleBlog

Think about that for a minute.  Do we realize how big a number 1 trillion really is? 

Here’s an interesting take on it from

… suppose you are a web user who wants to visit every single page Google indexed online. If the goal is so ambitious, you are not supposed to stay on each site for long – probably 10 seconds will be perfectly enough. So if you pay 10 seconds of your attention to each and every site, it will take you 115,740,740 days or 317,097 years to visit all of them.

Now you know why it’s called the World Wide Web!