
Yes, we live in an age of information overload, and there is plenty of content out there on almost every conceivable subject. However, what’s sorely lacking is a curated repository of ideas and insights that have the potential to impact our lives.

Insight tries to address that gap by putting the spotlight on information that is well worth your time.

When I started this blog in November of 2024, I didn’t think the world needed one more podcast or YouTube channel. That is why I have chosen to create this site, instead. Every post you will read here comes from countless hours spent scouring high-quality, credible sources offline and online, so that you and I can both benefit from the insights they offer.

While the topics may range from Electric Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence to Philosophy and Physics, the content on this site avoids jargon (to the extent possible), and requires little or no technical know-how.

My only ask is that you take a minute and think about it.

Terms of Use

All the content on this site has been curated by Naveen Bachwani – a Business Transformation and CX expert who currently leads ThinkShop.in.

All the information featured on this site is being shared with you – the reader – under applicable privacy guidelines and copyright. Some posts may also include affiliate links (at no extra cost to you), through which the website owner may earn a small commission or fee.

While some of the ideas shared may be timeless, others may be relevant only in a certain context or timeframe. Every post includes links to the underlying content as posted by its respective source. Please verify from the original sources for necessary updates before taking any action.

Thank you for visiting.