
Another Little Star

We’d been nervous for about a couple of weeks now…  15th June 2009 was the slated day for li’l Tiger to begin playschool, and he would just about be meeting the minimum eligibility age of 20 months.

This time around, the apprehensions were not about the gear – we had that in place.  Tiger would be well equipped with a school bag, a raincoat, a water bottle and a change of clothes.  It wasn’t about the choice of playschool either.  We were thrilled with the experience that Pumpkin had had with LittleStars and would send Tiger to the same one.  What we were worried about was how young he is and so different compared to what Pumpkin was when she first joined.

Earlier this morning, BossLady and I briefly spoke about the differences.  He speaks far less words than she did at the same age.  He’s far more boisterous and naughty than she was.  But, most importantly, he’s a full nine months younger than she was when she first enrolled!!!

How would he cope up with the newness of it all?  How would he be able to communicate to his teacher about his needs and wants?  How would they understand the peculiar language he speaks in?  Only we knew all his short forms and codes – how would they understand?

Letting go of his mama at the doors of the playschool would be impossible.  As an extension, it would also be difficult for him to leave the company of “nima” – the caretaker he’s now grown so fond of.  So, it came upon your’s truly to do the needful.  Once again.

Honestly, I was nervous about it throughout.  But I reminded myself that he’s an ‘enthu bunny’ and he’ll be able to take care of himself.  I also reminded myself that I’d done this all before – I would simply do my “usual” routine of dropping off a new child to their first day at school!

We reached on time and waited our turn.  Once again, I was the only “papa” doing the drop off.  Since early today morning, all of us at home were getting Tiger excited about the prospect of him going to school, and he had some idea of the concept.  But, outside Little Stars, we did not get the opportunity to take it all in before I let go of his little fingers, and sent him off to the classroom…

We’d agreed that BossLady would come and wait soon after my dropping him off, just in case he needed to be sent home early or comforted some more.  And, so she did.  I learned in the afternoon that he’d cried for a bit after entering the classroom, but had soon settled down… It would take a few days more, but for a first day, it had gone pretty well.

Now, if I can only muster up enough courage for tomorrow…

Update : 16th June 2009
The wife sent an SMS… “All is well.  He did not cry at all today!”