
Just Do It!

Seth Godin, marketeer and change agent, often blogs about his observations on Marketing and Customer Service.  But, that’s not all he blogs about. 

His recent post – Waiting until the last minute – is a great example of how thought-provoking some of his posts can be.  Here’s an excerpt:

Waiting until the last minute

In a nutshell: don’t.

Bad situations to wait until the last minute:

Catching a transcontinental flight
Asking your secret crush to the prom
Saving for retirement
Giving up smoking
Asking for a raise
Teaching ethical behavior to your kids
Asking for directions

Here’s my addition to the list of things you should not delay:

– Following your dreams
– Spending time with your children
– Telling your loved ones that you love them
– Telling people who meant something to you, what they meant to you

– Throwing out the junk you’re piling up in the attic/loft
– Choosing an original instead of a pirated copy
– Insisting on a receipt; Refusing to pay a bribe
– Setting your own standards in whatever you do

What does your list look like?